Home of the Rhodes Scholarships, Rhodes House is a magnificent building with a captivating history.
When Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) died, the British diamond magnate and imperial statesman left most of his fortune to create the Rhodes Scholarships. The first Rhodes Scholars came to Oxford in 1903. To mark the 25th anniversary of the Scholarships in 1928, Rhodes’s Trustees built Rhodes House to serve as both a home for the Rhodes Trust and the Scholarships, and as a memorial to Rhodes himself.
Designed by Herbert Baker, Rhodes House reflects a number of influences: Cape Dutch farmhouse, English country mansion, and the arts and crafts movements of the 1900s.
The function rooms and Gardens can be hired on an exclusive basis for filming.
Three principal rooms are available: The Milner Hall, The Beit Room and The Jameson Room named after three of the original Trustees, Lord Milner, Alfred Beit and Sir Leander Starr Jameson. In addition, there is a grand, circular, domed marble entrance-hall known as the Rotunda, which opens into the Parkin Vestibule and through to an oak-panelled gallery, reminiscent of a Cape Dutch stoep — a covered verandah.
Outside the beautifully maintained, typically English gardens, offers green lawns, gravel pathways and herbaceous borders. This secluded walled garden, which catches the sun from early morning to late evening, is perfect for filming and photographic shoots .
Contact: Isabelle Barber | Email: isabelle.barber@rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk | Tel: 01865 282599
Rhodes House, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RG | Web: www.rhodeshouseoxford.com