When deciding on the location for your next Period Drama, check out Party Manors’ website partymanors.co.uk for 9 completely unique potential locations all of which have the capacity to accommodate senior members of the cast and crew and with sufficient land to be used as Production Headquarters whilst filming in those areas.
Actors will very much enjoy relaxing on ‘Hotel Call’ whilst being only a stone’s throw from the Locations.
Party Manors offers a selection of large houses and manors catering for parties of 10 or more to rent. We’ve selected a unique collection of Britain’s top party venues to choose from.
From sweeping drives, electric gates, wonderful countryside with perfect camera positions when filming the stunning views, Party Manors can not only provide terrific locations and Unit Bases but also the perfect venues for ‘End of Shoot’ Parties.
For all enquiries regarding filming and to organise a recce’ please contact:
Cazz Orchard 07966 443536 01453 520391 | info@partymanors.co.uk | partymanors.co.uk