We welcome you to this school location. Located in Woking, Surrey, St John the Baptist School has a range of buildings from its original build in 1970 to its ever-growing extensions. With a green screen studio, chapel, school hall and stage plus many multi-sized classrooms, it would be ideal for any education television drama and film.
The school also has a large parking area, multi games court and a large field space. Classrooms range from science labs, drama studios, mac editing suites to standard white board and table set ups. The school also has various sized corridors with displays of student work and photographs of life here at SJB. Every day is open day at the school, so feel free to scout the location more thoroughly by contacting us.
Business Manager: Stephanie Legge s.legge@sjb.surrey.sch.uk Tel: 01483 729343 Web: sjb.surrey.sch.uk
St John the Baptist School, Elmbridge Lane, Woking, Surrey GU22 9AL