Located approximately 15 minutes from Pinewood, Shepperton and Bray Studios. Windsor Great Park extends to some 4,500 acres and provides a superb selection of locations. Buildings include the Cumberland Lodge A stunning 17th century mansion and former Royal house, is surrounded by 4,500 acres of an equally stunning Windsor Great Park.
Garages & Workshops
Roman Ruin
Filming Undertaken in Windsor Great Park:-
Tomb Raider | Harry Potter 3 | The Avengers | Thunderbirds | Poirot | BBC – various productions
Proceed to Filming & Photography information Contact:
The Crown Estate, Crown Estate Office, The Great Park, Windsor, SL4 2HT
Email enquiries@windsorgreatpark.co.uk
Tel: 01753 847519 Fax: 01753 624107
For more on filming & photography